Saturday, July 30, 2011

Living in a Dying World

Not only does preparing to meet God involve ourselves, it without doubt includes those around us. We cannot in any given day expect to go out and about with no interaction with unsaved people. In fact, Jesus said that as we are going, to make disciples of all men. Let me repeat that, as we are going. Jesus understood that we have a necessity to be going out and about in this world. He calls his followers to be salt of the earth and lights to the world. Preparation must be made so that we can go out and shine, giving flavor and light to the world. This preparation cannot and must not be callous; we have no quota that we must meet. Jesus has not planted us in this world that we return to him void, but rather that we go and bear fruit. Let me ask you this, when you see a person do you wonder about the state of their soul? Their eternal destiny is at stake. Do you care that they should live or die? Death happens; there is no way to avoid it. “It is appointed for man once to die, and afterwards the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27) We, like Ezekiel mentions, are as watchmen. We have seen the fire, the enemy coming in. It is up to us to save and warn them. We should strive our best to warn them, if they refuse, their blood is on their own hands, we have done our best, our hands are clean. But if we fail to warn people, where is our love, our compassion? We cannot stand by and let lives go untouched, we should earnestly care about them.

Let me say again that we cannot escape going out into the world. Let me ask you this: When driving what do you see? When in a crowd what do you see? It is too easy to group people into containers. There are cars on the road, there were a lot of people in the mall, or whatever. We can complain all we want about the bad drivers on the road and never stop to even think about their eternal destiny. We can walk down main street with nary a thought about the souls of those around us.

God is interested and cares for their souls. Do we? Do we act with compassion and love in all that we do? Are we willing to give up our “rights” and yield to others. Christianity is not about rising to the top, it is about being the bottom for His glory. God is at the top, God is king, and yet He came to serve.

Are you prepared to emulate your King, your Master? Are you concerned about the souls of those around you and acting upon that concern? Are your hands clean of the blood of those around you? Have you pled with them to escape the fire that threatens them?

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